Jasa Pemasangan MarmerProfile


CV CAHAYA KARUNIA MULIA and PT CAHAYA KARUNIA MAKMUR was an established company in INDONESIA. Our specializes in providing installation services as well as supplies of premium quality marble, granite and natural stone from Italy Spain Turkey Portugal India China and local for commercial and residential building project. Founded in 2007.

CV CAHAYA KARUNIA MULIA and PT CAHAYA KARUNIA MAKMUR has since established and maintained a reputation for installing only the top quality marble granite and natural stones while providing their clients with excellent and modified services in choosing the right material for each project.

Our team consists of goal-oriented and passionate workers who show enthusiasm in providing the best service and careful attention to each client. Our client can expect only the best service from us as we are committed to serve each purpose and concern of our customer for continued success of our company.

Our Vision

To become the top and leading company in the marble and granite industry that offers only the finest collection of high-quality products and superior craftsmanship to the clients. We also aim to achieve far-above-the-ground status of providing satisfaction to the clients and services that will be highly appreciated by the customers.
This vision will be made possible by the commitment, enthusiasm, and competence of our people.

Our Mission

To Provide to-quality services to every patron by providing them only the finest customer service in regards to our marble, granite and natural stone materials.
We aspire to provide client with innova�ons with the designs and concepts we employ in each of our project. We aim to gain our customer’s loyalty and continued support by providing them with highly satisfactory products and services.

Our Strength

Here are our advantages as a marble, granite and natural stone supplier company:

  • Importer

    CKM cooperates with mining companies from Italy, Spain, Turkey, Portugal, India, China. We are ready to bring in Marble, Granite and other Natural Stones with premium quality from the country.

  • Human Resources

    We manage Human Resources who are trained and ready to be used in projects.

  • Warehouse

    Spacious warehouse for storing natural stone materials that are ready to be shipped to customers

  • Various Choices

    Working with many mining companies, making our collection diverse

Jasa Pemasangan Marmer

Jasa Pemasangan & Supplier Marmer Premium